Submit Your Recipe

Submission Instructions

Fill out the online form. Start by clicking the SUBMIT button below and provide the following:

  1. Contestant Name
  2. Drink Name
  3. Drink Recipe
  4. Recipe Instructions / Method
  5. Photograph of the drink

Recipes must comply with the specific requirements and restrictions for the competition listed below.

Recipe Requirements

  • Recipe must include Maker’s Mark® Classic Bourbon as the primary distilled spirit base
  • Cocktail must contain 1 local honeybee byproducts: beeswax, flavored honeys, powder, pollen, jelly etc
  • Recipes cannot contain energy drinks or more than two (2) ounces of distilled spirits per single serving
  • Recipe cannot contain more than one (1) compound ingredient such as tinctures, syrups, and infusions
  • All email entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on May 9th, 2023

Recipe Restrictions

The Entry must be suitable for publication and compliant with the following content requirements in the sole opinion of the Sponsor: 

  1. Entry cannot be obscene, defamatory, dangerous, discriminatory, endorse any form of hate or hate group (as determined in the sole discretion of the Sponsor), infringing or otherwise inappropriate or unsuitable for publication to general audiences over the age of twenty-one (21) (as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion);
  2. Entry cannot encourage excessive or irresponsible alcohol consumption, link alcohol to any activities that would be dangerous while consuming alcohol, including operating machinery, sailing, skiing, etc.;
  3. Entry cannot defame, misrepresent or contain disparaging remarks about any person or entity, including but not limited to the Sponsor or its affiliates, as determined in the sole discretion of the Sponsor;
  4. Entry cannot contain any material that may, in the sole discretion of Sponsor, infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third-party, including but not limited to, copyrights, patents, trade secret rights, or trademarks owned by others. Entrants must use their own original material in the creation of the Entry. If an Entry contains any third party intellectual property, Sponsor may, in its sole discretion, disqualify the Entry from the Contest.  In the alternative, Sponsor may ask the Entrant to provide the appropriate legal documentation, as required by Sponsor, that demonstrates the Entrant has received proper permission to use such third-party material in the Entry for all purposes related to this Contest and Sponsor’s use of the Entry. Failure to provide appropriate legal documentation, as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion, will result in disqualification of the Entry without notice;
  5. Entry cannot advertise or promote any third-party brand or product of any kind or contain any personal identification, including, but not limited to: license plate numbers, personal names, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or street addresses;
  6. Entry cannot contain materials embodying the names, voices, likeness, or other indicia of, or identifying any person, living or dead, unless appropriate permission and releases have been obtained for the use of such material in your Entry. Failure to provide this documentation upon Sponsor’s request will result in disqualification of the Entry without notice
  7. Entries cannot be in violation of any applicable federal, state, and/or local laws, rules, and regulations;
  8. In addition to the requirements and guidelines above, Entry may not contain obscene or pornographic material, contain defamatory or libelous statements, invade privacy rights, exploit individuals or in any other way violate applicable laws and regulations (as determined in Sponsor’s sole discretion).